Friday, January 23, 2009


A recent viewing of the Muppet Show has reminded me of a group, I would like to share with you. This group, having appeared in this show, is titled Mummenschanz. They certainly are a fantastic group. Their postmodern expressions have captivated me for very long. Once, while studying in Tübbingen after the fall of the wall, I saw them perform and was very much so impressed. The empty symbolism and suggestions to themes largely decided at the descrestion of the viewer, have influenced me greatly. Their being so difficult to interpret, has made many things clear to me, for example, my not having to understand everything, rather having to let on that I, perhaps, understand. I hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

An Encounter: "He who Cries"

As the dawn of a new year rises, I, after having reflected upon my experience in this country, would like to make note of another performer I have encountered during my travels. This young fellow, known to some as "He who Cries", is a somewhat captivating piece of mankind. An example of his performance: Once while driving him through a seemingly hip part of town, he rolled down the window and accosted the post-bar, smug trendies as such: "Hey, hey look at me! Look at me! I'm a hipster, I' m a hipster! Look at me!" This may not be a very enticing example of valid modern performance, however, think for a moment about those "hipsters" you know. After realizing their pretensions, it is glorious to accost them with their own ways; especially when the person accosting may himself be considered such a "hipster". So wherever "the Cryer" may be: good luck. I have heard rumour that he has retreated to an isolated area in the middle of the country, but none is likely to know.